
What is STURP?
STURP is instrumental music: Guitar, bass, banjo and drums.
Because of the frequent use of distorted guitars one could call the genre ‘Instrumetal’.
STURP is from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
STURP is a solo-project.
STURP has released 5 albums.
Rapid Germination (2014)
Fumigation of Grain (2016)
Extensive Alpine Terrain (2019)
Deny All Knowledge (2023)
Celebrate The Decade(NT) (2024)
The albums got nice press.

STURP did also perform live: The first live appearance was the 23rd of June 2018, Nieuw en Meer, Amsterdam.
During the corona crisis there were no possibilities to play live on location, so from May 2020 until July 2022  STURP did dozens of live streams on YouTube.

The term STURP was also used for the Shroud of TUrin Research Project.
Fun fact: the file-size of the MP3-file of the very first STURP-track (The Beard) turned out to be 6.66MB!

And even more fun facts: The award a musician could only dream of: the Grote Prijs van Lutjebroek 2000! I achieved this milestone with Smear (my band back then), we blew away the competition and thus we received this nice framed work of clip-art.