A couple of quotes per album, the full reviews can be read down the page.

The full reviews:
What do Tom Waits, Sepultura, Status Quo and Rammstein have in common?
Erik Groeneweg from Progwereld knows: read the review here to find out (in Dutch), or click the thumb for the English translation.
Luminous Dash
Patrick Bruneel from Luminous Dash writes:
“Musically, he seems to have picked out some of his craziest songs”
Well look at that! Click the thumb for the English translation or read the review in Dutch here!
The first review of Celebrate The Decade(NT) is, tradition, by Maurice van der Zalm from Rockportaal!
“Hypnotically I experience Sturp’s auditory gasm”
Read the full review here (in Dutch), or click the thumb for the English translation.
Chris van der Aa wrote for Wings of Death:
“Sturp knows how to handle dynamics very well, so that subdued pieces and harder tracks alternate perfectly”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the review in Dutch here!
Erik Groeneweg from Progwereld states:
“Merciless, diverse and insanely creative”
And that’s not all of course! Click the thumb for the English translation or read the review in Dutch here!
Gitarre & Bass
German musicians magazine Gitarre & Bass features Sturp, it also seems they have colourmatched the cover with Deny All Knowledge (coincidence?). They write:
“Sturps eigenwillige instrumentale Klangkunst zwischen Lo-Fi und Experiment ist jeden Fall ein herausforderndes, überwältigendes wie inspirierendes Erlebnis.”
The full review (in German) can be read here! Or, when your German is a bit rusty, click the thumb for an English translation.
Luminous Dash
Belgian Patrick Bruneel writes for Luminous Dash:
“each song an adventure”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the review in Dutch here!
Metal from NL
On the day of the release of Deny All Knowledge Nicky van der Schaaf from Metal from NL writes:
“this almost feels like an art exhibition you can experience in stereo”
Read the full review here! Or click the thumb.
The first review of Deny All Knowledge is, almost like a tradition, by Maurice van der Zalm from Rockportaal!
“Het gitaarwerk kan gezien worden als een insectennest waarin alles kriskras doch ordelijk verloopt”
Now you want to read the full review! That’s possible here (in Dutch), or click the thumb for the English translation.
Gonzo (circus)
A colourful description of Extensive Alpine Terrain in Gonzo (circus) by Arjan van Sorge! He concludes with:
“Puur genieten van een nog steeds eigenzinnig, opwindend metal gitaargeluid en een niet te stuiten ideeëndrang.”
So go on and read the ful review! Here (yes, it’s in Dutch) or click the thumb.
Luminous Dash
The fourth review of Extensive Alpine Terrain is written by Patrick Bruneel from Luminous Dash! Patrick summarizes:
“Uitdagend en heerlijk tegelijk.”
Read the full review (in Dutch (well, Flemish actually)) here or click the thumb.
Wings of Death
Chris van der Aa from Wings of Death wrote the third review of Extensive Alpine Terrain! In which he recommends:
“Maar echt: dit wil je niet missen!”
Can’t argue with that!
Read the full review (Dutch) here or click the thumb.
Lords of Metal
The second review of Extensive Alpine Terrain is from Lords of Metal! Marcel Hubregtse wrote:
“verdomde interessant en blijft van begin tot eind boeien.”
“een gekke en gewaagde plaat”
Read the full review (Dutch) here or click the thumb.
The first review of the today released album Extensive Alpine Terrain is in! Maurice van der Zalm from Rockportaal.nl wrote a nice review, ending with the following sentence:
“Bijzonder knap hoe dit weer een plaats heeft gekregen in mijn prefrontale hersenkwab cq cortex.”
Yes, that’s Dutch, read the full review (also in Dutch) here or click the thumb.
Gonzo (circus)
Even almost THREE YEARS after the de release of Fumigation of Grain there’s a new and neat review! Patrick Bruneel from Gonzo (circus) writes:
“A bit weird and wild.”
“Which side a track will go to once it starts is another pair of sleeves.”
“a true journey of discovery.”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here
Although it is almost one and a half year ago that Fumigation of Grain was released, the album still gets the honor to be reviewed! Some quotes:
“Sturp literally blows you away with their distinct sound”
“Great guitar play”
“These surprising combinations of instruments are interesting, to say the least.”
“This album is quite the ride, intense and unorthodox. Be prepared!”
Click the thumb or read the full review here
Musicmaker has also reviewed Fumigation of Grain! Some quotes:
“solid produced”
“Deliberately and energetically creeping and crawling the music gets under your skin”
Click the thumb for the review.
Review number 5 about Fumigation of Grain: Progwereld! A couple of quotes:
“And let’s be just straight honest about it; the music is just crackling strange!”
“the clips (all thirteen tracks!) are, to put it mildly, quite absurd.”
“Complete madness here.”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here
Thé Belgian Metal Community Ashladan wrote review number 4 of Fumigation of Grain. Score: 81 out of 100! Resulting in some nice quotes:
“Sturp is a very innovative Dutch instrumental solo project”
“You just begin to see the genius of the disc.”
“Deliciously floating away with Sturp, also that is possible.”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here
Wings of Death
And again a review of Fumigation of Grain: Chris van der Aa from Wings of Death wrote a nice review! Some quotes:
“I think even Devin Townsend will get nervous of this.”
“lovely guitar work!”
“a mega-intense album”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here
Lords of Metal
The second review of the just released album Fumigation of Grain is in! And in case you wonder if Metallord Marcel Hubregtse enjoyed it, well, amongst other things he wrote:
“I really like what I am hearing.”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (both English) here
The first review of the just released album Fumigation of Grain is in: Maurice van der Zalm from Rockportaal.nl has written a nice review! Some quotes:
“unorthodox, avant-garde yet very intriguing album”
“Be amazed”
“Be warned!”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here
Lords of Metal
Lord of Metal Marcel Hubregtse also reviewed Sturp: A couple of quotes:
“A really good mix of styles is poured over you.”
“Anyone liking a challenge, should check out Sturp.”
Click the thumb or read the full review (both English) here
Gonzo (circus)
Patrick Bruneel of Gonzo (circus) wrote a review! A quote:
“absurd, avant-gardist and insane at the very same time”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here
The new and improved Musicmaker took special notice of the Rapid Germination promo-pack (collector’s edition):
Metal From NL
The second review of Rapid Germination has arrived, written by Nicky from Metal From NL. A score of 85 out of 100! A quote:
“STURP blows me away with this CD. I am absolutely very impressed. It is damn hard to write instrumental music without being boring or overcomplicated. STURP presents us a piece of music that may be for the trained ear, but thoughtfully constructed and absolutely unique in the Netherlands.”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here.
The first review of Rapid Germination has arrived! Some (translated) quotes from Maurice van der Zalm from Rockportaal.nl:
“it’s almost impossible to capture in words all the musical impulses that come at you”
“…it’s pretty clear that the gentlemen from Sturp listen beyond their ears”
“banjomusic with a deathmetal rhythm and guitartwists from the seventies”
Click the thumb for the English translation or read the full review (in Dutch) here.